Side: Aspendos Opera and Ballet Festival

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Transfer and ticket from Side for Aspendos Opera and Ballet festival. Side: Aspendos Festival Vigo Tours. Book Aspendos festival in Side with Vigo Tours. With Side Vigo Tours, you can book online for Aspendos festival on its website. Vigo Tours prices from Side to Aspendos festival include transfer and ticket. Vigo Tours Side Aspendos opera and ballet festival.

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Key Activity Features

  • Departure Location: Side
  • Available Days:
    Sunday Monday Thursday Friday
  • Total Duration (Including Transfers): 5 Hours
  • Guiding & Support: English , Turkish , German , Russian
  • Booking Confirmation: Immediate Approval.
  • Voucher Type: Both Printed and Mobile Accepted.
  • Accessibility: Wheelchair Friendly.
  • Online Booking: Quick, Easy, and Secure.
  • Cancellation policy: Flexible
  • Fast-Track Entry: No Waiting in Line.
  • Tour ID: 331
  • Other Departure Locations:
    Kemer Antalya Belek Alanya

Top Reasons to Choose This Tour:

  • Side: Aspendos opera and ballet festival, transfer and ticket from Side hotels
  • Side: Aspendos festival, with pick up from all the hotels in Side region
  • Side: Aspendos opera and ballet festival from Side
  • Side: Aspendos opera and ballet Transfer & ticket from Side

What to Expect:

International Aspendos Opera and Ballet Festival

Aspendos theatre - Ballet Turkey - Opera Turkey

Pickup and drop-off from all hotels is included in the price.

The start time of the performances is 21:00

Aspendos International Opera and Ballet Festival 2024

13 September 2024 - Friday: AIDA (opera)
16 September 2024 - Monday: Gala Concert (concert)
20 September 2024 - Friday: Swan Lake (ballet)
22 September 2024 - Sunday: Carmen & Tango fire (ballet)
26 September 2024 - Thursday: TOSCA (opera)

Antalya State Opera and Ballet Orchestra
Sopranos: Feryal TÜRKOĞLU, Gülbin GÜNAY, Nurdan KÜÇÜKEKMEKÇI, Perihan Diana NAYIR 
Mezzo-soprano: Ferda YETİŞER
Tenors: Efe KIŞLALI, Erdem ERDOĞAN
Bass: Tuncay KURTOĞLU

The Aspendos international opera and ballet festival, which was first organized in 1994, is organized in September every year in the spectacular atmosphere of the 2000 year old Aspendos theater.

Performed in an extraordinary atmosphere, the opera and ballet festivals are watched annually by approximately 100 thousand art lovers from all over the Antalya region. The majority of these art audiences are foreign tourists who are on holiday in the Antalya region.

Aspendos theatre - Ballet Turkey - Opera Turkey: Aspendos international opera and ballet festival is organized by the General Directorate of State Opera and Ballet of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. And it is one of the most prestigious opera and ballet organizations in the world.

Aida Opera - Swan Lake Ballet: What makes Aspendos opera and ballet festival so prestigious worldwide is the undoubtedly outstanding acoustic quality of the 2000-year-old ancient Aspendos theater. Classical music sounds are heard at the same level and quality from all corners of the ancient theater. In addition, the world's leading art directors are also showing great interest in the Aspendos international opera and ballet festival.

The Aspendos festival is a member of the European Festivals Association. And the International Aspendos Opera and Ballet event is the first and only festival awarded the "Best Quality Management Certificate".

International Aspendos opera and ballet festival, which is a meeting of civilizations, has hosted many local and foreign artists and bands and brought together art lovers of Turkish and World art at the magic Aspendos antique theater.

You will enjoy watching the world classics of opera and ballet in the magnificent atmosphere of the ancient Aspendos theater.

Price included:

  • Pick up from hotels and drop off at hotels
  • Entrance ticket (category 2)
  • Food - Drinks and personal expenses

Pick Up Place:

For Aspendos Opera and Ballet festival from Side, pick up and Departure from all the hotels in Side and around Side is possible and included in the price. Hotels in Side Gündogdu, Hotels in Side Colakli, Hotels in Side Evrenseki, Hotels in Side Kumköy, Hotels in Side, Hotels in Titreyengol, Hotels in Kizilagac and Hotels in Kizilot

Pick up Point:

For Aspendos Opera and Ballet festival from Side, the pick up point from the hotels is the main entrance gate (security check point) of the hotels.

Details to know:

Aspendos Opera and Ballet festival with pick up and Departure from all the hotels in Side, Alanya, Antalya, Belek and Kemer

All the performances begin at 21:00

Seat: Concrete - stone - marble
Seating arrangement: Unnumbered seating - free seating.

Bring a small cushion for your convenience as the ancient place is outfitted with stone seating.

Additional information:

Tour program for Aspendos Opera and Ballet festival

Pick up and Departure places: All the hotels in Side, Alanya, Antalya, Belek and Kemer.

Aida Opera - Swan Lake Ballet

There may be changes in the pick-up times from the hotels. The exact pick-up time from the hotels in the regions will be notified by e-mail on the day of the Event.

  • Pick up from Hotels all the hotels in Side from 18:45, in Alanya from 17:30, in Belek from 19:30, in Antalya from 18:30 and in Kemer from 17:30
  • Bus transfer to to ancient Aspendos theater
  • Entrance to the theater 20:30
  • Aspendos Opera and Ballet Performance starts at 21:00
  • End of the event and Returning to the hotels 23:30 - 00:00

Check Prices


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Have a question?

Hello, thank you for your inquiries about the Aspendos Opera and Ballet Festival. The program for 2024 has not been announced yet, but it is expected to be released in June. Please check our website for updates. The dates you mentioned typically mark the end of the opera festival, but we will have to wait and see the specifics of the 2024 program. Best regards, Vigo Tours.


Hello, thank you for inquiring about the Aspendos opera and ballet festival. The program you see on our website is for 2023. The program for 2024 has not been announced yet, but it will most likely be announced in June. AIDA will be part of the 2024 program, as it is every year, but we do not have the specific date yet. Please continue to check our website for updates. We would be delighted to assist you in obtaining tickets for the AIDA opera at the Aspendos ancient theater. Best regards, Vigo Tours.

Greetings, we appreciate your interest in the Aspendos opera and ballet festival. The schedule displayed on our website is for the year 2023. The program for 2024 has not yet been unveiled, but we anticipate it will be announced in June. AIDA is a staple of the festival's lineup each year, including in 2024, although the exact date has not been confirmed. For the most up-to-date information, please visit our website regularly. We are happy to help you secure tickets for the AIDA opera at the historic Aspendos theater. Warm regards, Vigo Tours.

Hello, Thank you very much for contacting us about the Aspendos Opera and ballet festival activity from Side. We think you are talking about the program in 2021. The program on our website is for the year 2022. On September 17, Swain Lake has been canceled and will be replaced by DON QUIXOTE (Ballet). Early reservation for Aspendos Opera and Ballet is very important and highly recommended. Best regards, Vigo Tours

25 Overall Rating


Total: (25 Review)

25 Review Summary












Gerne wieder!!!

Das Internationale Opern und Balletfestival in Aspendos Antik ist garandios! Wir waren zum 4. mal dort. Ein Müss für alle Klassikfans Programm beim Veranstalter erfragen! . Buchungsversprechen und Durchführung perfekt! Pünktliche Abholung! Danke an VigoTours

Reply from Vigo Tours: Thank you very much for your review!

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Ihnen das Aspendos-Festival gefallen hat. Darüber hinaus freuen wir uns sehr, Ihnen in der herrlichen Atmosphäre des antiken Aspendos-Theaters einen angenehmen klassischen Musikgenuss zu bieten. Wir freuen uns auf ein Wiedersehen. Mit all unseren besten Wünschen..


Jozsef Hamvas



It was the second time for us visiting the opera festival in beautiful Aspendos. Comparing the first ocassion this was disappointing. The transfer arrived only appr. 15 min before the event (Madama Butterfly) started. It took 10 minutes for the guide to collect the tickets. Only one (!) ticket office worked for the guides and for the private costumers. Unless I bought better seats in the arena (+ 20 €) all the seats were occupated, no ticket controller "you can sit anywhere" was the answer when I asked about our sector... The audience was very mixed, full of with arrogant people, sit on two places etc. The performance was good as it could be. Sometimes the brass section was too loud , pushing everything over. The stage, and the costumes were brilliant! Anyway with a little better organising, and with adopting some theather routine this program would've been really astonished.

Reply from Vigo Tours: Thank you very much for your review!

We apologize for the inconvenience. We cannot pick up our customers from hotels earlier so that our customers can have dinner at their hotels. If we make an early pick-up at your hotel, then you will not be able to get dinner at your hotel. The trouble arose because of the bad organization of the festival committee. Also, no audience respects the numbered seating arrangement. In the past years, there was free seating, and there was no such chaos! We are very sorry though. From now on we will try to provide faster pick-up from hotels and faster, earlier arrivals in Aspendos. Best regards, Team Vigo Tours


Palchikova Elvira


Посещение оперы в Аспендосе

Легко заказала и оплатила 30% на сайте, прислали подтверждение, Приехали во время, были доступны для связи, доплатили а автобусе, была сдача, комфортно доставили. Небольшое ожидание на месте, вошли в театр уже после начала, хотелось бы немного запаса времени, чтоб освоиться в зале, выбрать место. Опера была прекрасна, Аспендос великолепен. Дорога назад была также комфортной. Рекомендую.

Reply from Vigo Tours: Thank you very much for your review!

Мы рады, что вы остались довольны посещением «Мадам Баттерфляй» в Аспендосе. В этом году на фестивале в Аспендосе случаются неприятности из-за плохой организации фестивального комитета. Мы сделаем необходимые предупреждения компетентным органам, и с этого момента мы постараемся быть там быстрее. С наилучшими пожеланиями, Виго Туры




Madame Butterfly in Aspendos am 10.09.21

Wir waren etwas zu spät in Aspendos, so daß vor Beginn der Veranstaltung keine Zeit blieb, sich einen geeigneten Platz zu suchen.

Reply from Vigo Tours: Thank you very much for your review!

Vielen Dank für Ihre Bewertung. Wir entschuldigen uns dafür, dass wir das Aspendos-Theater nicht früher betreten können. Dies liegt daran, dass wir unsere Gäste nicht früher von Hotels abholen möchten, um sicherzustellen, dass sie in ihren Hotels zu Abend essen. Von nun an werden wir versuchen, eine schnellere Abholung von Hotels zu ermöglichen und schnell nach Aspendos zu gelangen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Team VigoTours


Mohak Rajiv


Opera night in Aspendos

Opera in Aspendos is an amazing experience!


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